Sunday, June 25, 2023

On the top of the world

My first hometown Turku has my favourite spot for spending a summer weekend. On a hilltop that used to host one Finland’s most notorious prisons, you can now stay at the great Hotel Kakola and relax at the spanking new Kakola SPA

Kakola is in fact a whole neighbourhood. It has many new homes, shops, and restaurants. It is work in progress but will eventually become a very cosy oasis right next to the city center. Hotel Kakola is great for people who enjoy privacy and quiet. The hotel has a good restaurant and an outdoor bar in the summer but most rooms are absolutely quiet. The staff are youngish but very professional. The best breakfast in town.

Kakola SPA is state of the art. A wide selection of saunas and pools is available as well as a pool bar. Special thanks for a cold pool that is actually cold. I love the dim colour scale that puts you in a relaxed mood the moment you walk in. Very decent pricing as well. The spa is mostly destined for adults but if your kids can swim they are welcome before 5 pm.

Turku is a great holiday destination in the summer. Take a walk by the riverside and in minutes you’ll realise why this was the first ever urban center in Finland