Friday, September 19, 2014

Live in Brussels 2008

1/8/2009 8:36:00 PM

As has become customary, here are some of the highlights from last year, in chronological order this time:

The Cult, AB, 7 March

I've seen some pretty awful performances by these lads (the rock bottom being as a support act to Metallica in 1993). It was somehow reassuring to see them back in shape.

Duran Duran, Cirque Royal, 18 June

The perfect venue for these guys. It's great that they don't even try to hide the kitsch.

Soldout, La Rotonde, 6 November

Felt like the wall of sound was just barely in their hands.

Soap&Skin, Le Witloof Bar, 11 December

This was an extremely shy girl, a grand piano and a laptop. It's always nice to run into something touching, authentic and strange.

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