Tuesday, July 22, 2014

One for the road

9/2/2008 12:38:00 PM

We've all been there. On an autobahn four o'clock in the morning in the rain, trying to survive amongst the ten ton trucks and the BMWs doing 200 km/h. In that situation, as always, the key to success is a good soundtrack. Here is mine:

World in My Eyes / Depeche Mode

A perfect starter. Sounds amazing if you have a six point speaker system.

Airbag / Radiohead

Makes you feel like you're flying an airplane.

Cocaine Blues / Johnny Cash

If the kids are awake skip this one. The lyrics are explicit, to put it mildly.

Oxygene / Jean-Michel Jarre

Try to get the twenty-minute version.

I Believe / K's Choice

This helps when you're about to loose faith, 500 kilometres from home.

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