Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Mon essentiel

2/19/2007 1:05:00 AM

Musicals are one of my favourite perversions. Some people think they are just watered-down opera. So what?

For quite some time the greatest musicals have come from France. "Notre Dame de Paris" already touched the softest spots of my soul. Now I'm totally enchanted by "Le Roi Soleil".

It's great to find lyricists who really perfection their art. I can't think of a more perfect verse than this:
"Je fais de toi mon essentiel
Tu me fais naƮtre parmi les hommes
Je fais de toi mon essentiel
Celle que j'aimerais plus que personne
Si tu veux qu'on s'apprenne
Si tu veux qu'on s'apprenne"

When the king sings this to his lover, I really have to fight back tears. Every time.

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