Friday, December 20, 2013

On going to the heart of things

2/25/2007 1:01:00 PM

I remember reading somewhere that the Asians do not associate sex with morality. That is why they do not understand the link we Westeners make between sex and shame.

That probably also explains why the Asians have been much more successful than the corrupt Anglosaxon film empire at depicting the darker sides of human nature. The bravest among you can go and see for yourselves:

Lies, Korea 2000

My absolute favourite. A casual affair between a middle-aged man and a young woman goes twisted in Fellinian proportions. Saw this at a film festival, uncut. It was nice to watch all the intellectuals walk out, shaking their heads.

Tokyo Dekadence, Japan 1992

The Japanese tell me that this film is about Japan at the time. Great soundtrack by the usual suspect, Ryuichi Sakamoto.

The Isle, Korea 2000

A lyric masterpiece. Twin Peaks on steroids.

Audition, Japan 1999

Not for the casual traveller. I am probably the only Westener who thinks this film is funny.

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