Monday, December 9, 2013


2/5/2007 12:13:00 PM

I'm still resisting the clarion call of the iPod since for me the order of songs is sacred. For my purposes, the most interesting medium is currently the DVD. It's great to be transported to another space with it.

Here are my favourite DVDs today:

1. Depeche Mode/ Devotional

Really captures an era. This is before these guys became the Rolling Stones of pop. Great camerawork.

2. Placebo/ Soulmates Never Die

Do you know that feeling when at some point a show becomes larger than life - as if touched by the hand of God? This DVD shows such a moment.

3. Yƶ/ Kolmen illan varietee

Oh, that Finnish midsummer sky!

But things can of course go horribly wrong on a DVD as well. A couple of examples:

1. The Smiths/ You've got everything now

A rip-off. A sacrilege. The people who put this together "should die in a car pile-up", to paraphrase Morrissey.

2. New Order/ Finsbury Park


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